All About Hybrid vs Electric Cars

In this article, we will be taking you into one of the very confusing topics and that is Hybrid vs Electric cars. What are hybrid cars? What are electric cars? We will be discussing all the aspects of both types of cars and the similarities and differences between both cars.

So, let’s start with the very basics of both cars and understand both types of cars.

What are hybrid cars?

Hybrid as the name suggests is the mixture of something. In this automotive industry, Hybrid cars refer to the type of engines the cars carry. Hybrid cars are cars that have an engine as well as a motor to run the car.

Hybrid cars are a mixture of electric cars and petrol or diesel engine cars. Hybrid cars can run on electricity and using fuel i.e. petrol, diesel or CNG as well.

Hybrid cars are a mixture of electrical and fuel powers which results in increased mileage of these cars in comparison to normal cars that run on petrol or diesel only because electric motor helps the car to run and use less fuel.

Generally, In hybrid cars, the engine and electric motor are placed in the front part of the car, and the battery and fuel tank at the back side of the car as shown in the image above.

The running cost of a hybrid car is more than an electric car because hybrid cars need petrol or diesel fuel as well which is comparatively little expensive in India.

What are electric cars?

Unlike hybrid cars, electric cars have only electric motors and do not have any engines. Electric cars run on electricity. Electricity is stored in a battery paced inside the car and provides electricity to rotate the motor which provides the motion to the cars.

The capacity of the battery is the parameter to know the range of an electric car. Range means how many kilometers that car can cover on a single charge.

These electric cars can be charged at the charging stations developed by the companies that provide facilities for fast charging. Otherwise, the electric cars can be charged at home as well but a little slower.

In India, electric cars’ running cost is less than normal engine cars or even hybrid cars as only electricity is used in electric cars whereas in other cars they need to fill the petrol or diesel tanks whose cost is a little higher than electricity.

Hybrid vs Electric Cars – Top Differences

Here we will be comparing both cars on the aspects that can be compared and provide you with helpful information to make you understand the differences between a hybrid car and an electric car.

S. No.Hybrid CarElectric Car
1. Have Fuel Engine and Electric MotorOnly Have Electric Motor
2. Runs on fuel (Petrol or Diesel) and electricity bothRuns only on Electricity
3.Running Cost is HigherRunning cost is lesser
4. Suitable for any range of tripLimited range
5. Engine noiseNo engine noise
6. Contribute to air pollutionNo air pollution
7. Higher maintenanceLess maintenance
8. White and black number plateGreen and white number plate
Hybrid vs Electric Cars

Hybrid vs Electric Cars – Conclusion

By now we have discussed almost all the details about hybrid cars and electric cars and also the differences between hybrid and electric cars. This article could have been a little helpful for you in terms of information on both types of cars (hybrid vs electric cars) and somewhat cleared your doubts.

Knowing these differences would help you in picking the suitable car for yourself whether you need a hybrid car or an electric car as per your need.

Will meet in another article on another helpful topic. By then keep smiling and stay in touch. Share your thoughts through comments.

Read: The Electric Cars – Need of the Hour

Read: All about Hybrid Vehicles

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